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This edit from Revelstoke has more pillows in it than an IKEA store

Nothing stokes the skiing fire quite like some incredible snow, crazy lines, good friends and Iron Maiden. This new edit from the Bow Valley Strong crew—made up of skiers Andrew Laver, 
Braden Bester, 
Braden Bury, 
Mark Grain, 
Noah Maisonet, 
Patrick Brown, 
Ross Baillie and 
Ryan Statham—contains all of those awesome things.

These dudes ski more pillows in one run than most do in a lifetime and they have a whole lot of fun while doing it. So, buckle up, turn the volume way, way up and get ready for one wild ride.

‘Grams from the crew

This season has been pillows pillows and more pillows ☁️☁️☁️ keep it coming! ????????

A post shared by Braden Bury (@bradenbury86) on

Better hope its deep when the snow snakes are after you ???? | ???? @__patrickbrown

A post shared by Mark Grain (@markusgrain10) on

The face smasher 360 ???? @4frnt @monodsports #shapingskiing #kye120 ???? @bradenbester

A post shared by Noah Maisonet (@noahmaisonet) on

Damn it's good to be back in pow town! ???????? || @monodsports @guayaki || #gopro #powtownusa #guayakilife

A post shared by Patrick Brown (@__patrickbrown) on

Big group, small fire, great day #goodstuff ????????

A post shared by Ross Baillie (@rosstown) on

When @keeganmorrone builds whacky jumps with questionable landings…

A post shared by Braden Bury (@bradenbury86) on

Gardens caught fire last night from this fire edit????????#stopdropandroll

A post shared by Mark Grain (@markusgrain10) on

Flat light making us stick to the trees ????|| @monodsports @guayaki #gopro #guayakilife #flatlight #flatlandings

A post shared by Patrick Brown (@__patrickbrown) on

Getting worked!!! #goodstuff ????

A post shared by Ross Baillie (@rosstown) on

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