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Crashes, Fails and Funny Moments From Matchstick Productions’ “The Land of Giants”

If you’ve ever need a confidence boost in your skiing, it’s right before you. We all get bummed out when taking a spill on the hill. Even if (hopefully) you walk away physically unscathed, your ego is bound to take a hit. That’s probably for the best, as learning how to fall and get back up is all part of the game. And it’s reassuring to know that it happens to everyone, even the pros.

Yes, the talented crew at Matchstick Productions could be some of the greatest skiers on Earth. Yet even these stallions sometimes come up short. Here is the proof, right before our very eyes. Like any of us, these men and women have fallen… a lot. There’s only one way to get better when you think about it. So next time you take a spill, just remember, that’s the only way forward.

Note: There are a few massive spills in this highlight reel, and it’s important to remember that these are trained professionals with emergency procedures practiced and in place. Don’t use this as an excuse to chuck beyond your ability. Push it within reason and always have a plan in place, especially when in the backcountry.

From YouTube –

Even the pros can’t stick EVERY landing! We’ve put together all the best crashes, fails and behind-the-scenes hilarity from #TheLandofGiants for your viewing pleasure.

Want to catch all the action? Stream #TheLandofGiants today on all your favorite devices and platforms.

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