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Threading the Needle With Candide Thovex

If it was anyone else, anyone else on earth, we wouldn’t post a 24-second video. However, when Candide Thovex drops a 24-second video, it’s probably better than anything that’s ever been posted on the internet. Ever. Slight exaggeration but not really. Here’s Candide “threading the needle,” as he puts it in Tinges, France. L’ Aiguille percée is a famous ski route that traverses under the massive arch seen here, but Candide took the name a bit more literally.

Notably, the flying Frenchman can be seen in Candide Collection attire while rocking a pair of his white AK 121 skis from his new company, CANDIDE SKIS. After his departure from Faction last January, it was unclear where Candide would take his talents. Now, his new ski company has officially sold out their first drop, with a second drop coming being release today, December 18 (sorry US friends, this drop is for EU customers only). With pow, backcountry and resort models, these are sure to be some of the finest freeski tools around. Keep an eye out for more clips and hard goods from Candide.

For a good read on skiing’s native son, check out this article written by FREESKIER alum Liam Downey.

From YouTube:

Candide Thovex at L’ Aiguille percée, in Tignes, France.

Filmed by Franck Moissonier, Aziz Benkrich and Anthony Vuignier



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