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The Spirit of Spring Skiing at Mount Bachelor With Arsenic Anywhere & Friends

For some, the month of May means that ski season is winding down. For others, it’s just heating up. In the mythical land of Mount Bachelor, for the skiers sporting a 33 patch, it would be the latter. Arsenic Anywhere has put out another heater, led by Noah Woodford behind the lens. The crew indulges in all the finer things associated with spring skiing. From immaculate Woodward features, to riding the shoulder-deep wiggle (with bonus points for the backflip out), there’s no rail left un-slid and no jump left un-boosted in “Birds Of A Feather.” Savor the summer sunshine, and if you feel so inspired, head West for more turns! Arapahoe Basin and Timberline at Mount Hood are both serving up bluebird corn for the foreseeable future.

“Birds of a Feather is somewhat of a sequel to the Mt Bachelor WTRP we made last year for Arsenic. Made with the intention to show the unbeatable spring riding at Bachelor that often gets overlooked for Mt Hood and Mammoth. Filmed entirely in May this edit features riders of all ages enjoying what Mt Bachelor and Bend have to offer! Huge thanks to Dan for making this happen and stay on the lookout for more arsenic clothes to drop as well as a summer build video dropping in the fall!” – Noah Woodford

From YouTube –

Mt Bachelor in May


Sebastian Bowler

Hamish Reinhart

Ari Silver

Garret Schwindt

Dominic Bowler

Nolen Johnson

Ryan Salmon

Brayden Freeman

Finn Urey

Keith Shipman

Ethan Carlson

Kellen Rather

Video by Noah Woodford

Photo Gallery

Images: Noah Woodford

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