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NOCTA Project #2 illuminates the forests of Chamonix

When the sun goes down, that doesn’t mean the skiing needs to stop. Equipped with Moonlight Mountain Gear headlamps, this flock of skiers spearheaded by Black Crows co-founder Bruno Compagnet takes flight after dusk through the forests of Chamonix.

NOCTA Project #2 marks the second episode in a series of “after dark” shoots by Yucca Films cimematographer Thomas Guerrin & co.

Black Crows’ Bruno Compagnet slashes through the darkness. Photo by Layla Kerley.

“This new experience by night was as surprising as the first one,” remarked Guerrin. “The darkness makes the forest more magical and mystic.”

“In Europe the snow don’t stay fresh and untracked for so long in the forests,” continued Guerrin, commenting on the challenges of filming this video. “We had to shoot three nights of four in the snowstorm to get the freshest powder.”

Embrace the night, embrace the cold. Photo by Layla Kerley.

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