
[GIVEAWAY] Win a 4-Pack of Booster Straps for You and Your Crew

[GIVEAWAY] Win a 4-Pack of Booster Straps for You and Your Crew

Featured Image: Courtesy of Booster Strap

This week we’re teaming up with Booster Strap to get one lucky winner and three of their friends a pair of their one-of-a-kind power straps. While stock power straps hardly ever measure up to the demands of most skiers when it comes to cinching down the cuff of the boot, Booster Straps are a dynamic elastic strap that offer more control and comfort for the wearer.

Check out our full video review below and enter for the chance to win this prize pack for you and your buddies by midnight MT on February 20.

Booster Strap

Simple yet reliable, Booster Strap changed the game when it first launched, some 25 years ago. A proper ski turn is executed by pressuring the shin to the front of the boot, which is why good bootfitting is so important. This dynamic powerstrap is an alternative to stock velcro straps that don’t efficiently close the gap between your shin and the tongue of your boot. By utilizing high-strength elastic, Booster Straps eliminate the gap between the cuff and the leg, without cutting off circulation, to optimize energy transfer and boost performance. No wonder it’s used by more than 350K skiers worldwide.

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