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Wili Brothers Face Off in a New Competiton from the Swiss Freeski Team

Featured Image: Swiss Freeski Team | Skier: Thierry Willi

August 2024 looked like a wildly fun time up at Snowpark Zermatt, but did you know there was heavy competition on the glacier this summer? Here we find two brothers on the Swiss Freeski Team engaged in a heated battle for bragging rights. Some good ol’ fashioned sibling rivalry is always sure to get the competitive juices flowing. In Zermatt, they call this a game of HORN, thanks to the fact that the gargantuan Matterhorn looms on over the area.

For reference, it’s much like the beloved game of SLVSH. One skier announces a trick, and if they land it, the other must match it. The concept is simple, but the tricks thrown by Colin and Thierry Wili are anything but. Who will prevail in this Snowpark Zermatt duel? Tune in below to find out.

From YouTube:

Thierry vs Colin : Game of Horn

August 2024

Zermatt, Switzerland

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