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This is what happens when you put Tatum Monod, Maggie Voisin and Maddie Bowman together in the backcountry

What do you get when you put three of skiing’s strongest female athletes together on a trip into the Pemberton, British Columbia, backcountry? You get one of the rowdiest edits of the season—that’s what you get. Last spring, after a grueling competition season and trips to the Olympics, Maggie Voisin and Maddie Bowman met up with Tatum Monod in her adopted hometown of “Pemby” to have some fun free-skiing and snowmobiling in the vast, powder-laden backcountry. Although this was Voisin and Bowman’s first time riding snowmobiles and venturing deep out of bounds, the two skied the natural terrain they found like true professionals. Watch the video above and realize it’s never too late to venture off-piste—but it sure does help when you have an athlete like Tatum Monod guiding the way.


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