There is nothing I can compare to skiing. Nothing is like the moment when I’m floating through trees that slouch under the weight of each snowflake I prayed for. Nothing else gives me an overwhelming rush of cruising next to my friends, reaching the top of a peak, stomping a new cliff, getting first chair, or smiling at my fresh tracks.
I grew up in the Pacific North West where my dad taught me to ski at 3 years old. My family lives for skiing so I got spoiled with “sick days” from school so my mom had someone to car pool to the mountains with. Every year we would go on ski trips to Banff, Kicking Horse, Apex, Whistler, Red Mountain, Big sky, Baker, Crystal, down to Schweitzer, Hood, Tahoe, and of course Utah! In 4th grade I summated Mt. St. Hellens and telemarked down Mt. Shasta. In high school I taught lessons for powder pigs at Snowqalmie pass. Summer of 07 I did a solo trip to South America where I skied for 6 weeks in Bariloche and Las Lenas. Then I moved to Utah, where I lived at a mid-mountain lodge at Alta and once again, skied everyday! The season was amazing but ended suddenly when I broke my back in four places. The accident was rough but I worked hard, learned a ton, and made a full recovery. Only 6 months later I met my friend in Argentina and we skied for a month at Cerro Caterdrall. This winter I have big goals to travel, film, compete and of course, ski the light and fluffy!!! My first trip is to Switzerland in January. Then I plan to visit Baker, Taos, Whistler then finally, Alaska! I’m stoked on this season, my body is stronger then ever and I’ve already had some killer days!
Being the Lange girl would be exciting for any girl! Of course I would be stoked to get on some Lange boots, but most of all, be a rep for the company. I think this is a rad opportunity to expose some un-known faces of girls who rip and are passionate about the sport, so vote it up!