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Surface Skis Takes Over Woodward, Copper Summer Camp

Woodward, Copper has long been a skier’s oasis under the hot summer sun. As winter winds down, the team puts the heavy machinery in gear and begins plowing snow and moving metal to form their set up for the coming months. This year, they’ve amassed a snow pile roughly the same height as a bus (or two) with a slew of epic features. “We are so stoked to have one of our biggest Summer Camp park footprints ever with multiple jumps and rail lines, an airbag, quarterpipe, and much more,” they announced via Instagram. This Summer Camp setup is home to both youth and adult camps, with special sponsors signing on for separate weeks. Recently, the Surface Skis crew had the pleasure of hosting, and it was a hell of a time.

Tom Galarneau, Jordan Cooper, Mike Kennedy, Mitch Zyzlewski and Willy Griffith came out to explore the offerings with Surface. They hyped up campers, found a few transfers, aired out a few disasters and of course found a quarterpipe to underflip. Check out the three minute heater below.

Along with summer camp availability, Woodward Copper’s Public Hike Park is up and running. Tickets are $25 and the park is open from 10 AM – 5 PM, Friday through Sunday. There are currently 12 features, with change possible according to conditions.

From YouTube:

Surface week at ‪@woodward‬ Copper

Skiing by: Tom Galarneau, Jordan Cooper, Mike Kennedy, Mitch Zyzlewski, & Willy Griffith

Filming by Jack Benziger

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