
Debunking the myth that “only stupid people get hit by skiers in the terrain park.”

Debunking the myth that “only stupid people get hit by skiers in the terrain park.”

Dan Brown is no stranger to the slopes. He’s been a professional photographer in the industry for a number of years, with his experience eventually leading to his current position at Line Skis. At this year’s edition of Line Spring Break, Dan was lining up a shot and got a nice little surprise attack from Jon Hartman. “It was an example of a classic ‘what not to do,'” explains Dan. “I had just taken a photo of Will Wesson gapping over me as to get the proper ‘base in your face’ perspective. I was repositioning myself when Jon Hartman came in like a bat-out-of-hell and assaulted me with his ski. Needless to say, that will be a point of discussion we’ll have during his contract negotiations.”

We can all have a good laugh because Dan was able to escape without any major injuries. However, he said “it should be a lesson for any photographers who had the same thought that I did: only stupid people get hit by skiers in the terrain park.”

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