Jon Brogan has proven what it takes to film with Level 1 Productions. With more style and jokes than Brüno, Jon has become a perfect fit for Josh Berman’s crew and the Jiberish team. This Pennsylvania boy is fresh out of high school and ready to do damage to the freeskiing scene. He may be a goofball off the slopes, but when he is in his element there is no stopping Jon Brogan. His style is amongst the best in the biz and he will not stop until his tricks are stomped and locked down. Watch out for this kid in the years to come because he is only warming up.
“Jonny Brogz is an eccentric character and it’s rather difficult to sum him up in a few sentences. When he’s in his element, either lip two-ing onto a handrail, or dropping down a seven tail in the park, he has the most effortless and comfortable style imaginable. In my mind, he’s one of those people that is helping to change the way people think about skiing on double tip skis. Hate it or love it, if you know anything about park skiing, you’re going to know who this guy is. In terms of his personality, I don’t know where to begin with this young man’s boisterous character. In a recent trip to the Denver Zoo, I decided that if hippos could talk, they would sound like Brogan…â€- Mike Clarke
“The most metrosexual and style influenced — not only in skiing but in every aspect of his life — dedicated and driven kid I have ever met in my entire life. After being friends with Jon since 8th grade, just listening to the kid talk about his future and where he wants to go with his life is extremely influential. He knows what he wants to do and doesn’t F around. We live 45 minutes to an hour away from Big Boulder, our “home” resort, and Jon goes skiing 7 days a week if the weather permits. He is so dedicated in the season that between school and skiing he barely ever chills with his buds. Did I mention he was offered the first chair for playing violin in our school orchestra? The kid is TALENTED.”- Tyler Weinberger, Level 1 Intern, Brogan’s BFF
“He is kind of like everyone’s little brother, hilarious and very quotable, and obsessed with style.†– Freedle Coty of Level 1
I met up with Brogan to discuss his first year in the big leagues. He was originally surprised that I wanted to interview him. Even though he has developed recognition, his talent has not gone to his head. He is the same Jon Brogan on a day-to-day basis that he was two years ago.
Freeskier: Mr. Brogan, what have you been up to all summer?
Jon Brogan: Well, I’ve been out in Oregon, residing in Government Camp. Just riding Windell’s as much as possible, learning new maneuvers and whatnot. Working on that Unat and some tech stuff. It truly is a great time.
FS: Last year you won Level 1’s Superunknown contest. This year you were given a legit segment from a well-known production company. What has it been like filming for Josh Berman and the rest of the gang?
JB: Well, I’m not sure about the legit segment yet, but perhaps something close to it soon. I recently finished High School back in Pennsylvania, so I will no longer be held back by school, at least for the next year or two, (College). But Filming with Level 1 is truly a spectacular time. The whole crew really makes me feel part of a family. Berman, Decker, and Freedle are all awesome. I wouldn’t want it any other way. Level 1 Fo’ life.
FS: Can we expect to see a nomination for Best Male Breakthrough Performance?
JB: Haha, what a jocular joke! No, I absolutely do not expect any nomination. However, I would be honored if something like that would ever come to be.
FS: Have you been showing all the home-town-honeys clips of your success, or have you just been going straight for the college girls on your ski getaways?
JB: Well, I have never really directly showed a girl a clip of me online, that would just be lame, but it never hurts to meet new people on “ski getaways.” Haha, so I would say the second one, even if it is not successful…
FS: I bet the terrain has been quite a bit different from that in Pennsylvania. Do you think coming from the East Coast is an advantage in skiing?
JB: For sure! Growing up I always rode Mountain Creek in New Jersey. They had the largest rails, without any jumps on. This helped me to get comfortable on gnarly urban. However, I didn’t learn to hit jumps until I traveled out West.
FS: You are still a youngling. Is there any hazing going on by the veterans that we should know about?
JB: Not particularly. All of the crew likes to bust on me a lot, but I think I bust on them just as much, if not more…
FS: So you have picked up a bunch of sponsors this year. How has this year impacted your skiing career compared to last year? Do you think Super Unknown was responsible for your success?
JB: Definitely, Super Unknown gave me every opportunity I have had. But this year wasn’t that far off from the last. I had to be stationed in PA because of High School, but this let me ride the east one more year, which was pretty sick. I also got to travel a little more. But once again, school kept me from filming more.
FS: What is your plan for next year? Are you moving out West?
JB: Yes! I’m going to be living in Colorado with Hornbeck and some other homies. I plan to Film with Level 1 as much as possible! Stoked to hit “urbans” with them, and I can’t wait to have Keystone as my home mountain! So pumped.
FS: Any final shout outs?
JB: Big Ups to… The Jiberish Family, Tyler Weinberger, Mizz, Rainville (THE BEST), Hornbeck (blunt game), Sean Jordan (Blowin up), C-Van, B-dog, E’dollo, K-Day, Charlie Owens, Warnocks, Walker, Clarke, Spriggs, Everyone at Level 1,, Jimbo, P-White, Athena, D-rock, Big Liam Downey a.k.a. BLOOD GIANT and all my dawwggss. Keep luvv one one thousand…