Featured Image: Courtesy of mountainFLOW Eco-Wax
If you’re like me, you’d like to think you’re pretty good at leaving outdoor spaces as you found them, aside from a few ski tracks. But have you ever thought about what your skis and the wax you use on them leave behind on the snow as you ski down? Most ski and snowboard waxes in North America are petroleum-based and often contain fluorocarbons–carcinogens known as the “forever chemical” for its lack of biodegradability–which are horrible for both the environment and the people using it. Unbeknownst to most skiers, the petroleum-based waxes are introducing harmful chemicals into our snowpack every year, which eventually melts and ends up in our rivers, lakes and streams. mountainFLOW seeks to solve this issue by providing an all-natural and earth friendly ski wax alternative.

After two years in research and development, mountainFLOW has achieved a proprietary plant-based wax blend that uses zero petroleum, is 100-percent biodegradable and after hundreds of rounds of testing, proves to perform just as well as conventional petroleum-based waxes. Along with the eco-wax itself being biodegradable, mountainFLOW has gone so far as to consider its packaging, which is used of 100-percent recycled material and is also biodegradable. To learn more and to get your hands on North America’s most eco-friendly ski wax, click here.