Welcome to the second installment of Trick Tip Tuesdays. Here we'll revisit our vast archive of trick tips from the past, to get you in fighting shape for summer camp. In this trick tip, Kim Lamarre explains how to execute a picture perfect 270 on, 270 off a rail. With these kinds of skills Kim will be having you looking and sliding like a champ in no time.
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Step 1: This is a difficult trick so before attempting, you should know how to spin a 360. I do this trick spinning right so I think being able to spin both ways would be even more helpful. Basically, you have to know how to be a baller on your skis to do this trick. Also, learning how to hand plant in the pipe would make you more comfortable with leaning back and putting weight onto your hands.
Step 2: It's really nice to do this trick on a knoll that goes up a bit, with a landing that drops down really quickly. Preferably you’d like to find a stepup-style landing.
Step 3: Carry a good amount of speed as you come in, because the more speed you have, the more time you will have to do the trick. Naturally, the more you want to spin, the more speed you'll want.
Step 4: Once you are about 10 feet away from the knuckle, lean back and pop off your tails. Remember to get a really good ollie so you can set your trick correctly. Right as you pop, simultaneously set your 360 rotation and put your hand down to drag and balance your body. You’re going to want to get your legs off the ground fast, so try and pull them above your head to keep the rotation from stalling.
Step 5: You can always warm up by doing a hand drag 180 — it’s much easier. As you’re dragging your hand, your upper body should still be rotating, almost as if you’re going backwards with your hand dragging. Just keep spotting around to the landing as you would in any spin.
Step 6: Next, push off of your dragging hand so that you have leverage to put your feet back underneath you. As you push off your hand, whip your body around and set your feet down to land.
Step 7: When you land, remember to ride out and put your hand up and yell, “That just happened.†This is a complex trick, so if you have landed like a ballin’ ass player, people will know exactly what just happened.
Location: Breckenridge, CO :: Photo: Jay Michelfelder
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