Jacob Wester is currently chasing the swell around Indonesia and refueling his batteries for next season. Luckily for us, and thanks to internet cafes, Jacob took some time out of his surf adventures to talk everything from skiing to music and looking forward to next season.
How is summer going? What have you been up to?
Good, thanks! It’s always good to take a few months off skiing to get that pre-season motivation back, keep that fire burning you know? No matter how fun skiing really is, doing 7 or 8 months non-stop with your focus at 110% every day does get tiring and I’m one of those people that when taking a break, I need to get my mind completely off it and do something totally different, to get my stoke back. That’s why I’ve been spending the last three summers in Indonesia, surfing. I love it here and it feels like coming home every time.
Sounds like you have become quite the avid surfer. What is it that you like most about surfing/ what keeps you getting back to the water?
I don’t know, it’s just something about the freedom of going on a trip bringing only your boards, a couple shorts and shirts, and nothing else. It’s a good break from traveling with over a 100 pounds of gear every trip. Also, the fact you are riding pure energy is a unique feeling, it isn’t anything like snow, or concrete, or any other rideable surface.
The water itself isn’t moving, the energy is moving through the water, energy that’s been moving over hundreds of miles across an ocean, and you hitch a ride with it. I don’t know how else to explain it, but here’s no other way to get closer to nature. It’s also nice to be learning something from scratch, when I’m skiing it takes weeks to learn a new trick because of the intense level the sport has come to, when I’m surfing I learn new stuff every day.
Besides surfing what else do you have planed this summer? Any ski related activities for you in the near future?
I was planning on heading to Mt. Hood for a while when I get home from Indo, but I hear it’s been raining a bunch over there and it’s getting pretty late in the season, so I might just skip it and head back down to New Zealand in August instead.
It will be my 6th season in NZ, so it’s a nice tradition. Just a good, mellow time to get used to skiing hard again, maybe learn a few new tricks, and just kick it with all my friends that I haven’t seen since spring. Then go do a bunch of city big airs in September and October!
Looking back at last season what would you say your biggest highlights were?
Looking back at this season I kind of feel frustrated with how many small, stupid injuries I had. I compressed a disc in my back in October, broke 3 fingers at the Dew Tour in January, busted a heel at the X Games, and sprained a bone in my knee in April. They were the kind of injuries that you can’t take a proper break with, but you can’t ski at a 100% either.
I would say though that my highlight of the season was my Japan trip with MSP. Getting to ski with Henrik Windstedt and Sean Pettit meant a lot to me backcountry skiing wise, and I can’t wait to go on some proper trips next season. I’m only just getting started and it’s super exciting.
What are you looking forward to most next season?
I am looking forward to some more backcountry trips and learning all the double corks to the left, which should be interesting.
A lot of kids look up to your skiing style. Today when you hear the word style, what pops into your head?
Cork 540 tailgrabs. At least that trick seems to be the very definition of style today. To be honest, it bothers me that everyone has pretty much the same idea of what style is. Two years ago, it was all rodeos and flatspins. Today it’s all about corked out spins, usually tailgrabbed. I hate how the idea of style seems to follow these trends, you know? For me, I could not care less what trick someone does, I just want it too look effortless and easy. Almost a little lazy, you know?
I’m trying to move away from that forced robot-like style I know I had for a while and make everything look a little smoother. But damn, it’s soooo hard, because when you do a super technical trick, you want to be sure you don’t land on your head and it’s way easier if you try to act like a robot and do the same exact motions over and over. I know it’s a cliché right now, but Tom (Wallisch) makes it look the best, hands down.
Along with being a superstar skier and surfer, I also hear that you are a excellent musician. What have you been listening to as of late? Any musical suggestions for our readers?
Sheesh, I don’t know who told you that. I did use to play guitar all the time, man. All the freaking time, from the moment I got my first electric guitar when I was 8 until just a few years ago. Unfortunately all the traveling made it hard to keep up, and now I don’t play nearly as much as I’d like to. I’d probably try to be in a band if I wasn’t skiing but that will have to wait.
I’ve been listening a lot to folk/indie rock lately. Everything from classics like Bruce Springsteen (not exactly indie, I know), to new bands like Fleet Foxes, Monsters of Folk and My Morning Jacket. I can recommend all of those. My favorites change from day to day, so it’s a hard to name only a few.
Any shout outs?
Yes, to my sponsors at Oakley, Armada Skis, Monster, Dalbello and Tyrolia. And my girlfriend Sofia for putting up with me being away from home way too many days out of the year.
To follow Jacob on his skiing and surf adventures check out his personal blog HERE