
MMWUC: Pow turns in Chamonix and the “standing jump” world record

MMWUC: Pow turns in Chamonix and the “standing jump” world record

This week we’ve got another pow-filled edit from Chamonix courtesy of Nate Wallace, hot laps in the park at Buttermilk starring Simon Dumont and Torin Yater-Wallace, the “standing jump” world record, a close encounter with a Great White and more. Enjoy, and make it a great day out there.

Have some videos that you think are worthy of an appearance in Monday Morning Wake Up Call? We want to see what you’ve got. Send your ideas to [email protected], or hit up @Freeskier on Twitter with the hashtag #MMWUC.

Best of the Shred

Watch: A Tom Wallisch and Chris Laker street session.

Simon Dumont and Torin Yater-Wallace shred park at Buttermilk.

Searching for Spines: On the hunt in Southcentral Alaska.

Mammoth Mondays: Kaya Turski shreds hot laps in Unbound.

Mid-March edit from Chamonix stars Seth Morrison, Andreas Fransson and more.

Best of the Rest

Great White gets its head into shark diving cage.

Octopus squeezes through impossibly small hole.

Colby James West autotunes the 2013 X Games Tignes scene.

Tambourine man.

Standing jump world record.

Want more? Check out some of our contest coverage from the weekend: Henrik Harlaut took first at the inaugural Tanner Hall Invitational and Nick Goepper topped the podium at the fifth annual Dumont Cup.

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