
K2 Golden Ticket, 4 of 5 Winners Found

K2 Golden Ticket, 4 of 5 Winners Found

For those of you who were hoping to find the coveted winning-golden-ticket with your purchase of K2 skis, I'm afraid you're out of luck. In the time since we reported on the first winner in December, three more lucky-ducks have come forth. With four finalists in place, there's room for just one more, and the final ticket is not floating around the globe. No, that ticket is actually ours to give away.

That's right, we have yet to randomly select a winner from our pool of online entries. The contest was originally slated to run through January 1, but I've got good news for you – the drawing has been postponed until January 17.

That leaves you time this weekend to enter your e-mail address as many darn times as you'd like into the running. The more times you enter, the higher the probability becomes that your name will be selected. We've got 111,318 entries so far, so if you simply enter 111,318 times, you've got a 50/50 chance! (Don't even think about cheating, because we'll catch you. We already caught one guy who entered 20,000 times in 24 hours after creating a sneaky script.)

Anyhow, perhaps you will be the 5th and final contestant to be flown to K2 Headquarters to meet Seth, tour the factory, and of course, compete for a chance to win free skis for the rest of your life. Only time will tell, folks. For now, get to know the boys and girl who struck-it-big:


The first winner we caught up with was 18-year-old Andreas Fischbacher of Austria. He spends his days as a bricklayer, and when he has time, shreds the parks at both Dachstein and Planai. He's been an avid freeskier for the past 3 years; he was presented his ticket after purchasing a pair of the K2 Revival at his favorite retailer, Blue Tomato Shop in Schladming. I caught up with Andreas via e-mail, and he had this to report on his experience:

Please excuse his grammar. I opted to leave his words in their original form, so as to give a truer voice to the excited Andreas.

"After I were presenting my scratch ticket, everybody congratulates me and I was shocked that I had so much luck to win such an awesome price. Also Hubert Steiner [Austrian K2 Manager] and Mike Gutt [US Marketing] contacts me and congratulated me. They told me much about the travel to America with Seth Morrison and the four other winners and sended me some details.

I never believed that I have so much luck to win this awesome price! I was really so much shocked and at the beginning I couldn't believe it… I thought they play a trick on me or anything else but now I'm really stoked!

It was always my dream to fly one day to america and go skiing but I never believed that it comes so early and also with such an impressive man like Seth, and the chance to win free skis for my whole life… that's all unbelievable! So it's the whole trip for me very exciting but at most I'm looking forward to see America and meet Seth. If I will win free skis for life I will make big party and then enjoy skiing whenever it's possible for me."


Andreas Fischbacher

The second man who got in touch is Jake Schurer, 19, who currently resides and attends college in Pennsylvania. Jake describes himself as an outdoorsman, but has only been skiing for two winters.

He scratched his golden ticket while picking-himself-up a pair of the K2 Domain at Willi's Ski & Snowboard Shop in North Hills, Pittsburgh. The shop employees reported that Jake was wildly enthusiastic about scratching a winning ticket, and when told he'd be flying to Seattle he exclaimed, "is Seth going to be there?"

We spoke with Jake, and here's what he had to say:

"When they presented me with the scratch ticket, winning was the last thing on my mind. After scratching it off, I didn't even realize I had won. When I saw the message to 'email k2 @…' I automatically figured I didn't win and they just wanted my info to bother me. But then the team at Willi's asked, 'what's it say?' and some dude came over and was like 'dude that's the golden ticket!' For the next few seconds I was telling myself there is no way, and these guys are just messing with me.  Then once the entire Willi's staff had surrounded me and they started to video tape it, I knew it was for real.

Like I said before, I was in total disbelief that I had a golden ticket. I wasn't even aware of the contest until a Willi's staff member called me and told me about it.  I had no clue I was entered in any sort of contest. I even asked them at the store if this ticket thing was a big deal, because I had planned on just picking my skis up and getting back home ASAP instead of waiting to scratch off this ticket.

What most excites me about this trip is definitely the chance to win free skis for life. I'm also looking forward to spending time with the other winners. Meeting new people is always interesting. I know the entire trip will be unforgettable, but if I win free skis for life, two things will have to happen: I'm giving my best ski-bro a pair and I am going to have to move to a place with more snow! I'd like to shout out to the Vogus family and my best bro Kory Schorr for introducing me to the awesome sport of skiing."


Jake Schurer

The last of the three winners to contact us is 20-year-old Cloe Ambrose of Great Britain. A student of both philosophy and media, she's currently wrapping up her final year of school. Cloe is a netball coach at her University, and has a squad of nearly 100 girls under her command. Once she's earned her degree, she plans to move to Vancouver where her parents are now situated. She also looks forward to moving so she can log some more days on snow. Britain, as she describes it, "does not have much snow."

Speaking of Vancouver, that is the city in which Cloe scratched her winning ticket. While visiting her folks, she headed into Comor Sports and, by now, I think you know the rest of the drill. Cloe had this to say about the whole experience:

"After I was presented the scratch ticket, I scratched off the outing and found that I had won! I was very surprised and shocked that I had won because I have never won anything in my life! Then I was given my skis that I had already bought to take a photo with, and also with my scratch card. However, even though I was so excited I was in a rush because I was on my way to the theatre. So I had to rush out but was a very happy bunny.

I cant believe it, it's crazy! This sort of thing doesn't happen to me, I feel very privileged to be apart of this amazing competition. Everything excites me about this! The opportunity to win free skis for life is just insane and I am very excited to meet Seth.

What will I do with free skis for life? Well, I will become pro! Hah, no, I will use them of course and give some to my parents because they were the ones that bought them for me, and also to my friends so they can come skiing with me!

I'd like to shout out to all my amazing friends in the UK and my parents for my K2 skis which won me this competition!"


Cloe Ambrose

So, there it is! Congratulations again to the four of you who are en route to Seattle, and good luck to all you e-mail contestants.

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