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Jiberish X Scrappy Joe – Springtime Park Laps in LAAX

Life is different across the pond. The sky is a little more blue, the coffee is just a tad more energizing, and of course, the rails are never sticky and always tagged with a LAAX logo. Maybe we’re just falling victim to the old, “the grass is always greener,” saying, but who knows. Anyway you slice it though, Switzerland looks pretty good in Scrappy Joe, aka Joey van der Meer’s new edit with Jiberish, “Frühlingsgrüsse Mit Scrappy.”

Roughly translating to “Spring greetings with Scrappy,” it’s an applicable title since we’re getting a proper greeting and tour of his new home in LAAX. His smooth style and fluidity are ever apparent, and it seems he hasn’t lost a step since leaving the U.S. This is one of the first larger projects we’ve seen from him since moving to Switzerland, and we can only hope there’s more on the way!

From YouTube:

Spring greetings. Joey van der Meer, AKA Scrappy Joe, bringing the heat in the spring of 2024 out in LAAX, Switzerland.

Filmed and Edited by Rocco Caruso and Nico Wehrli

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