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Fischer introduces its all-new Ranger series

When it comes to redesigning a ski, there’s more to it than just adding or subtracting materials, changing the length and width and updating the top sheet. Days, weeks and even months are spent collaborating, designing, developing and then testing before a ski ever reaches your local shop’s walls. For the redesign of one of Fischer’s most successful ski lines, the Ranger series, the brand called on its extensive and impressive list of athletes, including Kyle Smaine, Sandra Lahnsteiner and Lynsey Dyer to provide as much input and feedback as possible throughout the entire process.

What came to be is an entirely reimagined ski line “crafted to ski more.” With the pros at the center of it all, the all-new Ranger series is destined for big mountains, bottomless pow and endless good times making turns with friends. Stay tuned as Fischer releases more episodes, revealing the new-and-improved Ranger line, one ski at a time.

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