Dear Team Salomon,
It’s not that we needed the extra points, but we’ll take then. Good work, Clarkey on taking 3rd today at the Fischer Super Slopestyle… oh but wait, all those points now come to us. Minus 175 points for you, plus 175 points for us. No big deal.
Clarke went out first; said he’s never played before. He cashed in after catching a full house on the first hand, but it was all down hill from there. Then it was Sam’s turn. Sam had been claiming excellence since the teams met up here at Okemo. But he blew it going all in with QJ. Too bad Mike had AQ.
We did lose one team member to the cause… Shay took the remaining three chips off Ahmet, who lost those three plus the five he still had to Harvey two hands later.
So maybe we haven’t gotten the double nose grab on the rail yet; and maybe we haven’t really done anything else either; and maybe tomorrow we’ll just chill in the hot tub… good luck, Team Salomon. You’re going to need it.
Anyway…. we’re so sure we’re going to win even though we haven’t really done anything that we’re happy to let you have a little peak into what we’ve been up to. Peep it:
Check out the video over on Freeskier.TV!