SUCH IS LIFE update!
Well well, as all you kids are heading back to your studeous lives of receiving a higher education, we at Rage have been quite busy as well. The film has been reportedly duplicated and will be in our offices by Sept 9th. We will then rush to the mailboxes and have them shipped for your viewing enjoyment. If you have yet to preorder please do so at
We are also touring the film starting with our double World Premiere Friday night at IF3 following The Massive at 8:30 pm with Ian Cosco and Matt Margetts, then Saturday night in Bend, Oregon, at the Tower Theater 7 & 9pm. Get your Tix at Skjersaa’s ski shop in Bend. Athletes on hand in Bend will include Kyler Cooley, Dylan Natale, Mike Mertion, Ashley Battersby, Cody Townsend, Derek Spong, Gus Kenworthy Mark Dvorak and more. Come see all these guys make asses of themselves on and off stage. For more tour dates go to
Lastly with the release of the film we will be doing daily interviews with some of our finest athletes. We want you to “Meet the Crew”. Look out for these on Freeskier and in the next few weeks. maybe we’ll drop some edits as well who knows. For now enjoy some pics of Cosco’s visit after his second place finish at The Dew Tour. Nice work Chug!