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[Q&A] Lucas Wachs talks recent POV edit, his favorite lines, music and more

This summer, FREESKIER will be bringing you content to keep you cool as the temperature rises. We get it, your mind hungers for a day of frozen faces, beaming smiles, soaked socks and bottomless turns. Whether you’re practicing a pretz 2 at Mt Hood or just daydreaming, we’ll be hooking you up with movies, edits, news and more to keep you stoked and satisfy that ski itch until you can get back to doing the real thing.

Unless you’ve been hibernating with a friendly family of bears for the past few winters, the name Lucas Wachs will be familiar. If you don’t know him by name, perhaps you’ve stumbled across his well-curated Instagram page or his fantastic short film released last season titled ‘RECREATE.’ Maybe you saw him shredding in the Strictly film ‘Wildcard,’ Level 1’s ‘Romance,’ Matchstick Production’s ‘Huck Yeah!’, LDM and crew’s ‘From Switzerland With Love,’ or a handful of other incredible projects that have graced the big screen over the past few seasons. (All of those movies are well worth a watch… or a rewatch). And if none of those ring a bell, then today is your lucky day because you’ve just discovered some of the greatest content in modern skiing along with one of skiing’s finest; Lucas Wachs.

Lucas grew up in Bend, Oregon and has amassed an impressive resume that has taken well beyond North America’s West Coast. However, it was throughout this continental coast that he honed his prowess and precision for riding massive spines and techy lines in British Columbia, Alaska, Washington and beyond. He’s a creative skier with a dialed technique that allows him to gracefully paint faces that many others would stumble down. But I’ll let his skiing speak for itself. Lucas recently released a composition of his favorite lines from the 2022 shot on POV. This five-minute edit gives you a first hand look at his line selection, and how oftentimes, what looks like an easy rip is actually a mind numbing drop that just appears easy because of the rider. We figured it was only right that we dial up the man himself to ask about the edit, his process, and more.

How has summer been? What are your favorite activities when you’re off the snow? 

It’s been great. I’m working for a friend, doing an addition on a house and getting a lot of playtime in as well. I like to ride my mountain bike, skate and surf. Been doing a bit of trail running too. Trying to spend as much time outside as possible. 

What was your favorite zone featured in your recent 2022 POV edit, and why? 

I got to go to Haines, Alaska and had a pretty fun session there. That was super eye-opening to me. Seeing those mountains in person and getting to ski them was pretty incredible. 

Were there any lines that stood out to you, for better or worse, while you were going back through this footage? 

Kinda hard to think of any that stand out more than the others, but I’d say that the line at the end of the edit was a pretty fun one. It was steep, and I got to play with the sluff a little bit and just had a blast on that one. It was sort of short but included some fun tech moves. 

The final shot of the edit with you and Sage [Cattabriga-Alosa] seemed like a fantastic moment. What’s been the most meaningful part of skiing with a legend like him? 

I’d have to say the most meaningful thing about skiing with someone like Sage is that watching him ski is super fun, and he’s just an absolute ninja with a really crafty and smart way of approaching terrain. Beyond the skiing abilities, he’s a great dude to hang out with and shoot the shit. I’m lucky to have shared some good ski moments with him.  

The song you paired your clips to is a heater! Does music play a big part in your skiing as well as your editing process? 

Thanks, man. Yeah, it’s probably the most important part of a video. If the music sucks in a project or video, it can make it unwatchable in my opinion. I draw a lot of inspiration from surf, skate, and snowboard movies. They’ve usually got great music that isn’t corny or over the top. 

On that note, what are two go to tracks that get you dialed in during the car ride to the mountain? 

Pretty much any Black Sabbath or Metallica.

What’s your go-to backcountry pocket snack?

Probably some good salami and sharp cheddar.

What does this winter hold for you? Any big projects our readers should know about? 

I’ve got a movie coming out with Level 1 that will be dropping this fall! 

Who is one skier (or more if need be) that continues to inspire you each season?

I’d say Sammy Carlson is always on top of the game. I also really enjoy watching and shredding with Sam Kuch, Cole Richardson, Logan Pehota and the Blondes crew. They all know how to do it right. 

You could probably answer this one with a book, but in what ways has skiing influenced you as a person, and why do you think skiing should continue in future generations? 

Skiing has pretty much shaped my whole life. I have devoted everything to it, and it has given me the most meaningful friendships, life lessons and more clarity than I could have imagined. It’s a no-brainer; it needs to continue for future generations for many reasons. Being outside and in nature is so important, especially for the younger generations that are so tapped into screens and devices. Getting them out and having human/natural connections is extremely important for mental health. It also is a huge form of creativity, individualism and shows the rewards that come with athleticism and going out of your comfort zone. All positives in my book.

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