Despite the superhuman abilities of skiers like Lynsey Dyer, Maggie Voisin and Julian Carr, professional athletes are mortals—just like the rest of us—needing to protect themselves from the inevitable falls, bumps, bruises and collisions encountered whilst out skiing. But athletes like those mentioned above have a secret: slipping on the padded protective apparel from G-Form.
G-Form’s next-to-skin shirts, shorts, knee and elbow pads, full leggings (and more) provide top notch protection by means of highly flexible and comfortable yet amazingly defensive body-mapped RPT foam padding. Stitched directly into the moisture-wicking fabric to prevent the cushions from sliding around, these pads aren’t the bulbous, plastic eggshells pool skaters used to wear in the 1970s.
No, no—the articulated, compression fit and lightweight, low-profile design of these products are meant to hug a body in motion and to, for lack of a better word, “disappear” while you’re wearing them, so you can focus on stomping the cliff huck in front of you and not the knee pads that are on your legs. G-Form’s protective apparel offerings also feature outstanding breathability (achieved through ventilation slits), machine washability (to keep things squeaky clean) and unparalleled comfort (because that’s on the top of everyone’s list).
It’s no wonder, then, why some of skiing’s top athletes choose to wear G-Form protective gear while they’re out playing in the mountains. From the backcountry adventures of Lynsey Dyer, to Maggie Voisin’s park sessions, where violent crashes are just part of the game, to the jumbo-sized cliff drops performed by Julian Carr, G-Form has a place everywhere on the mountain.
If you’re looking to push the limits of your ability and need an extra bit of reassurance; if you don’t trust the kids your ski school class to keep themselves safe; if you’re a recreational skier with prior injuries or just an extra-safe mentality, there is a piece of G-Form protective apparel that’ll match your demands. Now, go and peep G-Form’s entire inventory—and remember to have fun and play it safe out there on the slopes.