Have you ever taken a photo on your phone, looked at it, and thought “hot damn?” Well, now you have something productive to do with that hot thang—and the many other hot thangs you probably have tucked away somewhere—that could earn you huge exposure and a trip to Chicago with some of the best photographers on the planet: The Red Bull Illume U.S. Mobile Photo Contest.

Michelle Parker charging at Monashee Powder Snowcats in British Columbia, Canada. Photo: Blake Jorgensen for Red Bull
Here’s how it works:
Submit up to five photos that capture action sports and/or the action sports lifestyle via this link. (Photos must be taken on your phone, be in JPG format, be over 8 megapixels and be under 10 megabytes)
A set of Red Bull judges will pick one winning photo based off of technical superiority, composition, creativity, impact, artistic flair and overall qualities of photographic excellence.
The winning photographer will go on an paid trip to Chicago for the Red Bull Illume Winner Awards Ceremony—an event honoring the best adventure and action sports photographers in the world—on September 28th at the Art Institute of Chicago/Millennium Park. The winner will also receive a G-Tech USB3 Hard drive with 500 GB storage.
The winning photo will then be showcased across the United States at Red Bull Illume U.S. exhibit tour spots via stunning 6-foot by 6-foot light boxes
Note: The Red Bull Illume U.S. Mobile Photo Contest is only open to U.S. citizens over the age of 18
For more information on the contest, head to Red Bull’s site.
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