
4bi9, Look It Up, review yo

4bi9, Look It Up, review yo

So i just recived my spankin new copy of Look It Up, brought to us by the uber balla guys down at 4bi9. You havent heard of 4bi9? Well look them up (sorry i couldnt help myself)! This new production company is really starting to push the industry with the gangstas they have riding for them. You my have heard of Tom walsh, of Steve Stepp, well look it up has a whole bucket of young talent with the skills to back up thier flamboyant urban thug style. But about the movie… first a little dis to get the ball rollin. You can fairly quickly tell that this is thier first video. It has a couple of parts that just dont fit in super well.
So now that i got the bad stuff out of the way lets get on with the goods. My favorit part has got to be the almost to balla feel of the riders. We all want to be more gangsta. Dont deny it you’ve wanted to be one of those guys with the big baggy shirts, baggy pants and the cool tricks that make you feel like a noob. Next the music selection is top notch. Being a preaty thug movie the tracks are mostly rap/crunk or what ever you want to call it. But dont let the rap stop you from watching this one it does have a sampling of other music. The dvd is fairly nce as well. featuring the full movie, a menue of the different segments, and a really cool menue of all the different edits 4bi9 has put together throughout the year. The best feature is that it is a good full length ski movie with edits from a whole year for only 15 bucks, free shipping too. All in all i do think that even if your not an urban thug gangsta you should check this one out. www.4bi9media.com
Thanks for reading,

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