With a break in the less than ideal weather, the halfpipe at Copper was flooded with skiers taking advantage of the bluebird day and above zero temperatures. For the past few weeks Copper Mountain has been invaded by skiers training for the upcoming Dew Tour Qualifier happening this Thursday. Traveling from all over the world, Pipe Skiers from Korea, Canada, NZ and France have made Copper Mountain their temporary home.
Whether sponsored, unknown, girl, or guy, these hopefuls have been hiking the pipe working the kinks out of their runs and perfecting new tricks. Double flips, 10’s, back to back 9’s, etc… every trick imaginable was being thrown.
In the previous weeks, the pipe had been closed in the mornings, giving those training the ability to practice without worrying about beginners in the halfpipe. Today for some reason, there was no restriction when I arrived at 11am, and many close calls occurred throughout the day.
Good luck to all that are training for Dew Tour, if today was any indication of the level of competition it will be a show not to be missed