Are you roaming the internet searching for skiing to inspire your next daring line? Maybe you wanted to see some beautiful high-definition camera shots of a world class ripper, or perhaps you were looking for GoPro shots that would make your stomach do a barrel roll? Whatever the case, you’ve come to the right place. Here we have the man, the myth, the young legend Lucas Wachs, with the help of MSP films, giving a tutorial on how to compile a winner of a season edit. We get to see a hearty mix of POV shots combined with good old fashioned filming to really give the full picture of just Lucas’ craftsmanship. A couple years back, seeing Lucas put Lib Tech skis on the map, it was clear this dude was the real deal. Today, he’s traveling the world and skiing some of the best lines on earth, but not without incredible hard work. Clearly Lucas has put in the time and is reaping the rewards and proving that he’s well deserving of an MSP segment. But don’t take my word for it, watch for yourself!
If you’re looking for more fantastic Wachstavision content, check out FREESKIER’s detailed Q&A with Lucas right here.