From Level1 on Vimeo: What was the first video talent-search contest is still the biggest and the best, pulling in entries from across the globe- 9 years deep!
Superunknown IX brought in nearly 100 entries from 15 different countries as the hungriest and most talented up-and-comers in the game try to follow in the footsteps of past winners like Tom Wallisch, Corey Vanular, Mike Clarke, Niklas Eriksson, Logan Imlach, and last year’s winner, Sig Tveit.
This year's contest was the toughest yet as far as the judges having to select the top entries, and while they all couldn't be finalists a few definitely stood out as worthy of a special shout out. Congrats to Scott Nelson for being selected as one of this year's eleven honorable mentions.
From This year’s contest was probably the toughest yet for our judges, at least as far as making the call on who was chosen as one of the top 12 finalists and 12 honorable mentions. In fact, even after sorting out the top 24 we went back and pulled one last entry from the runners up into the finalists, leaving us with a grand total of 11 Honorable Mentions, and 13 Finalists. We’ll be dropping two Honorable Mentions daily this week (and three on Friday), then taking a break before doing the same thing with our Finalists next week. Stay tuned!