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Backcountry Bert’s Inaugural Track Meet

What you’re about to witness is a sporting spectacle for the ages. “Bert’s Track Meet” brings together five of Alberta’s most acclaimed athletes, testing their abilities on one of the most uniquely challenging downhill ski courses the world has ever seen.

Follow Rob “Bert” Heule and his band of brothers, including his actual brother, Jay, and skiers Ben Ogilvie, Dylan Siggers, Auzzy Hunter, Ryan Waddell and Garret Capel as they confront banked turns, tabletop jumps and all kinds of other obstacles through this winding, weaving course at Sunshine Village.

Captured through the lens of acclaimed sports journalist Dane Ulsifer, the inaugural “Bert’s Track Meet” entertains as much as it inspires. Take a look, grab your friends and start training—next year’s event is right around the corner.

Still shots from filming:

Time to go! The crew exits the party tent prior to the track meet. PHOTO: Kyle Gibson

Rob “Bert” Heule leading the charge over one of the course’s many features. PHOTO: Kyle Gibson

Backcountry Bert’s Track Meet in full swing. PHOTO: Kyle Gibson

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