Red Bull, Red Bull Bracket Reel

Collegiate ski teams go head-to-head in Red Bull Bracket Reel

Collegiate ski teams go head-to-head in Red Bull Bracket Reel

Thanks to Red Bull, collegiate ski (and snowboard) teams will go head-to-head in a brand new bracket-style online video competition called “Red Bull Bracket Reel.” The contest launches this week, with round one of fan voting. Watch the action-packed first round of videos and start placing your fan votes at redbullbracketreel.com.

Click here to vote now.

Eight collegiate teams from across the United States have been selected to join the challenge. Each team is comprised of up to seven talented team members, including athletes, filmers and editors.

The competing groups include the following on-snow teams: Oregon State University, University of Colorado at Boulder, University of Washington, Loyola Marymount University, Penn State University, University of Massachusetts at Amherst, University of Utah and University of Southern California.

Round One: University of Souther California vs. University of Washington

Click here to vote for University of Southern California.

Click here to vote for University of Washington.

Round One: University of Massachusetts Amherst vs. Loyola Marymount University

Click here to vote for UMass

Click here to vote for LMU

The “Red Bull Bracket Reel” contest started February 16, 2015 with the first round of voting. New edits will drop online each subsequent week and winners will be announced March 6. Who wins is up to you: Winners will be determined entirely by fan voting.

Each team’s video segments will be broken into three parts: morning, day, and night. The entire edit represents one epic day, using footage compiled from the winter season. As teams advance each week, they’ll drop their next segment. The third and final week, the two finalists will duel it out to let viewers determine who had the most epic “day” of the season.

The grand prize is a hosted epic closing weekend at a ski resort of the winning team’s choice, including lift tickets, two nights of lodging and airfare for the entire team. Additional prizes, including trophies and hosted viewing parties, will be awarded to teams with the best conditions, the best locations, and the most team spirit.

Related: We rank the top 10 colleges for skiers

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