That’s right… FREESKIER, along with a dozen talented testers and professional photographers Bruno Long and Matt Power, has descended upon British Columbia’s Retallack Lodge for the 2018 Outerwear Test. For the next three days, with the help of the badass guides from Retallack, we’ll be putting next year’s outerwear through the wringer, in order to present you with the cream of the crop in the 2019 Buyer’s Guide, dropping this fall.
For those unaware, Retallack Lodge is nestled deep in the heart of the Selkirk Range, and generally averages up to 40 feet of annual snowfall, spread across 10,000 acres of steep shots, pillow drops, open bowls and more. Bottom line: There’s no better place to test outerwear than here. We’ll be keeping tabs on each garment’s waterproofing, breathability, durability, dexterity, design features and more, so that we can present to you the very best come this fall.
Below you’ll find a quick preview of the gear we have on-site and the talented group of individuals we’ve recruited to assist in our efforts. Oh, and it’s currently snowing outside… lucky us.