Slopestyle Qualifier Top 16 Raw Footage
Today marked the first day of the Winter Dew Tour in Breckenridge, with ski men’s slopestyle qualifiers kicking things off in meteoric fashion. The weather, in typical competition style, didn’t really cooperate, with wind gusts and snow drifts battling competitors. A total of 46 invited athletes braved the weather, hitting massive Breckenridge jumps, in hope of earning one of the top spots. In the end the top 16 qualifiers will meet 18 other pre-qualified athletes to fearsomely clash in a slopestyle battle royale.
Mike Riddle puts on a clinic. (View More Photos)
Highlights from today include Henrik Harlaut absolutely destroying the course, pipe machine Mike Riddle dropping some big air knowledge on kids, Alexis Godbout stomping 9s at the bottom of landings, PK Hunder just showing up and crushing with virtually no practice. The Dew Tour has definitely brought out everyone’s A-game, in hopes of winning some of that Dew Tour cheddar.
Oscar Scherlin grabbing his way to the 8th spot in qualifyers. (View More Photos)
Tomorrow the men have ski superpipe qualifiers, so expect more of the same mind boggling action, only in the stunt ditch, not the slopestyle course. Stay tuned to for daily updates on all the action here at the Winter Dew Tour in Breckenridge.
Nothing but love for Bibby. (View More Photos)
Qualifying athletes:
- Henrik Harlaut
- Gus Kenworthy
- Mike Riddle
- Alexis Godbout
- PK Hunder
- Tucker Perkins
- Nick Martini
- Oscar Scherlin
- Banks Gilberti
- Sean Jordan
- Derek Spong
- Sean Decker
- Matt Margetts
- Karl Fostveldt
- Pekka Hyysalo
- Sean Logan