Rip Raw is an action based mini-series that follows professional skier Chris Booth on his quest for unique mountain experiences around the world. Booth explores big mountains from Mt. Cook's Aoraki region to the People's Republic of Macedonia. The Web-series provides an honest look into the world of a pro freeskier.
Rip Raw Episode 1 – Mt. Cook, New Zealand
After an unseasonal rainstorm threatens to prematurely end the New Zealand winter, a spot snow storm in the high peaks of the Otago's Aoraki region, the home of Mt. Cook, blankets the mountains with a fresh layer of hope. Rip Curl athletes Chris Booth and Andy Finch head to the heli pad to take advantage of the fresh snow, but a month of down-days threatens to defeat their confidence, as they soon find themselves above some frightening and unstable terrain.
Rip Raw Episode 2 – France
France is in the midst of its worst winter in over 20 years, snow hasn't fallen in over six weeks and locals are already calling it the end of the season. Its a heavy situation, but when the going gets tough, Rip Raw gets hustling. Follow Rip Curl athlete Chris Booth and Rip Raw guest – renaissance man Woodie Bouma, as the two prove the pessimists wrong, seeking out powder stashes nobody knew existed.
Rip Raw Episode 3 – Macedonia
The third episode of our Rip Raw series sees Chris Booth and friends collide with the difficult conditions in Macedonia
Rip Raw Episode 4 – Cat Skiing with Eskimo Freeride, Popova Sapka
The fourth episode of our Rip Raw series sees Chris Booth and friends collide with difficult conditions and unique cultures though Macedonia.
Rip Raw Episode 5 – Chamonix
Extreme skiing died in the early 90s, or did it? Rip Raw finds out as Rip Curl athlete Chris Booth meets extreme skiing legend Glenn Plake in chamonix, the birthplace of extreme.
Rip Raw Episode 6 — Val Thorens
Rip Raw has been in Europe for over two weeks, and not a flake has fallen, so in a stroke of genius Boothy hatches a plan. Rip Raw leaves Chamonix under the cover of darkness and heads south to Val Thorens, joining Rip Curl snowboarder Kieren McLaughlin to drink until it snows. Follow the boys as they hit the world-renowned Val-Park, get turbo radical sideway at the Alain Prost ice-driving academy, and conduct a euro dance experiment on the tables at La Folie Douce.