
Orage launches fundraising campaign to benefit Alpine Initiatives

Orage launches fundraising campaign to benefit Alpine Initiatives


In an effort to assist Alpine Initiatives (AI) in their endeavors, Orage has teamed up with AI to bring you the 10,000 Ways to Help fundraising campaign.

By now, you should know that AI, founded in 2008, "provides a platform for the snow sports community to participate in sustainable initiatives that create and care for healthier communities around the globe." Run by skiing legend JP Auclair, amongst a handful of others, AI has united mountain lovers and snow enthusiasts in this common goal.

As part of this campaign, Orage is committed to raising $10,000 for AI between today and November 30, 2011. For every dollar that's donated by you, the skiing community, Orage will match the donation (up to $5,000).

Alpine Initiatives' promo reel.line_13.jpg

To encourage you to take part, Orage and some of its partners are throwing some killer incentives your way. Over 100 prizes (valued at $15,000) will be given away; for every $1,000 donated, a new level of prizes will be unlocked to be awarded to those who donate. You can see the listing of prizes here; as a spoiler alert, you can expect to find a 3-day trip to Retallack for two in the mix.

Big thanks are extended by AI, Orage, Freeskier and all other parties involved to those who lend a helping hand. To donate, to follow along with the event's donation-meter, and to see updates on the prizes check out Orage's Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/Orage?sk=app_219739461414572

For more on AI, visit their website here: alpineinitiatives.org


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