The Outdoor Retailer show in Salt Lake City, UT is sorta like SIA in Vegas minus the 24 hour boozing and strip clubs. Add in a bike valet, a gaggle of ultra endurance athletes, a media room stocked with odwalla bars and you got yourself a good time in a convention center. We’re on hand to check out what’s new from a few of our friends at the show.
The biggest news for us is the pending release of the GoPro HD. That’s right, HD. There’s a mode for full 1080P and another for 60fps. We can’t wait to get our hands on this bad boy.
Here’s a pic of video playing that was shot on the new unit. Stupid good. $299 for the new one it looks like…worth it? We will test them out in a few months and let you know!
How about these Thule boxes that were seen in HBO’s “True Blood” shipping vampires? What? I’m thinking if you can shove a vampire in here, you can probably get at least 10 pairs of pow skis.
Checking out Garmont, the boot of choice for ultra bad ass Davenport. If they are good enough for him, they are good enough for you. Try some of these on, you will be impressed with the fit, especially when side country hiking.
And the boys from Idaho with Smith are coming out with some real nice retro styles. Gabe Shroder’s rockin the “Chemist” for the camera. Nice.
And that’s a peek at the show. Next stop the Wasatch Brewery for a little Polygamy Porter! “Buy a six pack and take one home to the wives.” Awesome.