The Scott and Monster Energy train hasn’t slowed down since it rolled into Sun Valley, ID on Thursday night for a Monster weekend. Non-stop activities and rolling madness has gone down.
Activites included, but not limited to:
-Shredding with kids and slaying the Dollar Mountain terrain park.
-Wallisch slaying an urban rail near the Scott USA offices.
-Wallisch shotgunning a Monster for infringing upon the rules of the earlier day’s costume contest.
-The three athletes broadcasted themselves over the radio on KECH. (Including Cosco evacuating the dance floor).
-Poster signing at the Scott USA offices for all to behold.
-Enjoying too much food.
-Checking out the Monster hit for tonight’s exhibition at Dollar Mountain. (see below).
No doubt that tonight and tomorrow will be antic-filled, as the previous two were. The Monster Energy RV will be invading a restaurant near you, Sun Valley. But why write about it when there are nice photos too look at. Check them out.
Tonight, all three guys (Wallisch, Dorey, Cosco) will be sessioning the Monster Hit at Dollar Mountain from 7 – 9 pm. There will be music, showcased jumping and monster galore for all to take in. If you live in Sun Valley, be there or be square.