In 2009, Level 1 Productions' Kyle Decker used footage from the feature-length film "Refresh," and created his own mini-film, "New Era." The edit features the talents of select members of the Level 1 crew.
Although much time has passed since Decker produced this piece, he and Level 1 founder Josh Berman recently decided to release the movie online; quite simply, they felt "New Era" was too good to live solely as a DVD bonus feature.
Now you might be asking yourself, "how can footage that's two years old still be sweet?" The simple answer to that question is, "because the skiing is that damn good."
"New Era" has been broken down into six segments, the first two of which were released this past week; they're embedded for your viewing pleasure below. Stay tuned as we'll continue to update this page as new clips are released.
And in case you're wondering who Mr. Decker is, scroll to the bottom of this page for a little Q&A.
New Era #1 — Intro and Henrik Harlaut Segment
New Era #2 — Adam Delorme Segment
New Era #3 — Ahmet Dadali Segment
New Era #4 — Mike Hornbeck Segment
New Era #5 — Tom Wallisch Segment
New Era #6 — Phil Casabon Segment and Credits
Q&A with Kyle Decker:
FS: Where are you from, and where do you currently reside?
KD: I'm from Elyria, Ohio and I'm now living in Denver, Colo.
When did you get started with Level 1? In what capacity did you begin work with them, and how has your role changed over time?
I first met Josh back in 2003 when my local shop, Little Mountain Ltd, did a shop premiere with my Ohio Freestyle movie re-edit, with Level 1's "High 5." They flew Josh out for the premiere and a few years later in '06 I did an unpaid summer internship for Level 1. Eventually, I worked my way into the full-time position filming and editing.
Shoot all winter, edit all summer… the film-making process seems quite simple, when in fact there is much more going on behind the scenes. What's the most exciting part of the business for you?
Chilling at a sold out premiere standing next to the people you spent all winter working with, and seeing their response along with everyone else's is very rewarding.
Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
Hopefully doing something I love.