The Legs of Steel crew have released their third webisode of the season, leading up to the release of their film Nothing Else Matters which will be available for free online viewing later this fall.
In this episode, the gang explains some of the hardships that go hand in hand with creating a film. You'll hear from injured athletes Sven Kueenle, Paddy Graham and Tobi Reindl, and you'll also find that the crew faces harsh spring conditions in Europe after a dissapointing weather.
What left to do? Make the best of what's around, that's exactly what Legs of Steel does here in Episode 3.
[Ed's note: We referred to this originally as Legs of Steel's third and final webisode of the year. As it turns out, they've released a 4th webside which you can view here.]
Legs of Steel webisode 3
From Legs of Steel:
Its not all fun and games. Making a ski movie can be a hard and long mission. Very often you only hear those tales of deep and fluffy snow, incredible tricks and awesome trips to exotic locations. But, just like everything in life, there is always a downside to it. After a successful trip to the Canada, the LOS crew flew back to Europe to the spring that the harsh and disappointing winter has left behind.
Sven Kueenle, Paddy Graham and Tobi Reindl quickly fell victim to season ending knee injuries. While most of the crew was sidelined, it was up the our friends and fellow skiers to turn the wheel around.
The likes of Dennis Ehlert, Fabio Studer, Tobi and Lucas Mangold stepped up to the plate and to help out the LOS Crew out in the darkest hour of the season. The result was better than anybody would have ever thought. It is amazing what you can do with some creativity, hard work and lot‘s of dedication of the crew. But see for yourself… Tune in every week from now for a trilogy of webisodes till the online release of the FREE movie, „Nothing Else Matters“.
For more information and news about the project, be sure to click on where you can also learn more about the crew, stay up to date with all of their exploits and most importantly keep track of the movie’s release date.