Featured Image: Elise Sterck
With a heavy focus on quality, warmth and durability, there’s no question why Swany has kept its longstanding reputation as a trusted glove and mitten manufacturer. When the company’s desire to create a product made out of higher-end material crossed paths with the die-hard skiers’ need to keep their hands warm while bombing down the hill, Swany got to work and created a toasty and protective glove without sacrificing the skier’s need for dexterity when fastening gear and keeping pole control.

Fast forward to present day, and Swany brings us the X-Calibur Glove or SX-30, also available in a mitten style known as the SX-31. This week we’re pairing up with Swany to send one lucky winner home with a pair of their choosing, so do your hands a favor this season and enter below for a chance to win by November 2 at 11:59 p.m. MT.