
Gear Spotlight: Marker Griffon 13 ID Bindings 2017-2018

Gear Spotlight: Marker Griffon 13 ID Bindings 2017-2018

Welcome to another installment of Gear Spotlight from FREESKIER. Here, we provide a close-up look at the gear and accessories that everyone should know about. The goal? To point you towards the best brands and products on Earth so you can trust your equipment whole-heartedly and have as much fun in the mountains as possible. Read up on Marker’s Griffon 13 ID Bindings 2017-2018, below, then visit us again tomorrow for more awesome gear coverage.

Marker Griffon 13 ID Bindings 2017-2018

The Marker Griffon is the best-selling binding on the market—it has a widely attractive DIN range of four to 13, it’s lightweight at 2,038 grams per pair (with a 110 mm brake) and boasts all of the safety and retention capabilities that Marker is known for. The use of the brand’s SOLE.ID construction makes it even more appealing: With the turn of a screw (either direction) in front of the toepiece, the AFD is heightened or lowered, making the binding compatible with both ISO alpine 5355 and touring boot 9523 certifications. No matter if you shred the resort all day, everyday, or utilize touring boots to get yourself out-of-bounds, the Marker Griffon 13 ID abides, dude.

[su_button url=”https://www.evo.com/alpine-ski-bindings/marker-griffon-13-id?utm_campaign=parent_105843_odd” target=”_blank” style=”flat” background=”#0e5589″ size=”5″ center=”yes” radius=”5″]Shop Marker @ evo — $229[/su_button]

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