Earlier this week we featured an interview with Matt Philippi, in which we discussed the FullCircle Project's latest community service mission in South America. Philippi and friends have taken it upon themselves to give back to the communities that surround the mountains which they so vehemently desire to shred.
In July of 2011, the FullCircle Project crew worked with habitants of Maras, Peru in an effort to grow sustainable agriculture. The experience is currently being unveiled in a three-part web series. For a glimpse of what the gang was up to—and for your dose of weekly inspiration—have a peek at Episode 2 below.
Have a video, photo or story that you think will inspire the masses? Send your ideas to [email protected], or hit up @Freeskier on Twitter with the hashtag #FeelGoodFriday.
FullCircle, Peru Project Episode 2: The crew digs in, then heads for the hills.