Way over in the far-east sector of Quebec, Canada—on the brim of the Atlantic Ocean and north of popular U.S. skiing states like Vermont, New Hampshire and Maine—is a mountain range called the Chic-Chocs.
On average, 20 feet of snow falls there each winter. Long, above-treeline slopes dominate the land, offering 1,200 vertical-foot runs. Limit-pushing cliffs and chutes are everywhere, accompanied by man-made kickers built of logs (you might have seen them in Level 1 Production’s 2014 flick, Small World). Skiers tour, and ride helicopters, snowcats and snowmobiles to some of the most unique turns in North America. All in all, it’s one of the most heavenly places to ski on the East Coast, hands down.
These are relatively unexplored mountains—completely foreign to most skiers, in fact—but a select group of guides who run the Chic-Chac Hostel in Murdochville know their way around incredibly well. For over 10 years, they’ve taken guests throughout 60,000-plus acres of terrain to achieve deep East Coast turns via a variety of methods. Whether it’s a skin up more easily-accessed mountains like Porphyre and Lyall, a machine-powered ride up further-away objectives like York Mountain or a mellow day riding the T-bar at Miller Mountain, a local hill, the skiing opportunities are endless.
While skins, snowcats and snowmobiles are all good transportation methods in the Chic Chocs, the helicoper is undoubtedly the most exciting one. This is the only place you can ski via a bird in eastern North America, and that’s a pretty darn big deal.
By day, Chic-Chac guides take eager skiers out into these impressive aforementioned mountains, which typically stand about 3,000-4000 feet tall. To help guests narrow down their lists of objectives, a variety of packages are available. Some choose to stick to the bird and the cat, while others throw in a couple of resort days. Every package, however, is well worth the price. Need more convincing? Chic-Chac sees an 80-percent return rate every season. In other words, you won’t be disappointed.
By night, everyone hangs out and bunks up at the hostel. There, they eat delicious food, relax at the outdoor spa and cheers beers—all included in package costs. To access this dreamy East Coast skiing, guests can either simply drive, or fly into nearby Michel-Pouliot Gaspé Airport (YGP).
If you’re looking to get away for a unique and pow-filled ski trip this winter, we highly suggest linking up with the Chic-Chac crew. From the unique landscapes to the deep snow to the camaraderie at the hostel, this far-east sector of Quebec is a true hidden gem waiting for your arrival.