Banks Gilberti, Woodward Copper

Banks Gilberti serves up 10 must-have items for Woodward Ski Camp 2015

Banks Gilberti serves up 10 must-have items for Woodward Ski Camp 2015

Have you been worrying about what to pack for summer camp this year? Never fear, Banks Gilberti is here! In celebration of Woodward Copper‘s summer ski camps kicking off this week (Session one beginning June 7), the Adventures In Transition star is here to provide 10 must-have items for your time in Summit County, Colorado. Also, in case you missed the memo, Gilberti and the rest of the AIT crew will be in attendance at Woodward Copper the week of July 17-25.

Click here to sign up for Woodward Copper.

Banks’ Summer 2k15 Must-Haves:

1. Skateboard. Never leave home without it, especially when you’re headed to Woodward.

2. One cotton t-shirt (preferably light in color) for tie dying activities.

3. Your helmet. Since you’ll be learning new tricks so quickly, you’re bound to take a spill or two. It’s also required by Woodward, so you’ll be wearing one no matter what.

4. Laptop and phone. Adventures In Transition will be doing some sweet Instagram contests throughout the week, so you’ll want to have your devices handy to get in on the free shwag.

5. Your best hand plant. For anyone that isn’t familiar with my favorite part of skiing ever, it’s hand planting. You will be leaving camp with a whole new bag of hand plant tricks but make sure to show up with the vision of success and an appetite for destruction!

. Planting plantes . @woodwardcopper @handplantsacrossamerica #handplant #skiing #exploremore #passionoverproductivity

A photo posted by ϟ banks gilberti ϟ (@bankzg) on

6. Diggler. You’ve never heard of it before, but Diggling might just be the most epic sport you’ve ever tried. Trust me. For now, look it up on Vimeo and just know that Woodward Copper offers it as a daily activity. Bring some shoes with good tread.

7. A winning mentality. You’re going to need all the confidence you can get when you find yourself on the go kart track with me. I’m currently undefeated and plan on crushing each and every one of you.

8. Your favorite issues of FREESKIER Magazine. Keep the stoke alive and give yourself some new ideas on tricks to learn by flipping though the pages.

9. A vast knowledge of the Adventures In Transitions web series. We’ll be asking some trivia questions about certain episodes throughout the week, so if you’re hungry for free tee shirts and stickers make sure to get your learn on.

Adventures in Transition: Home On The Range

10. Plenty of stoke. Last, but not least, make sure to bring the best possible attitude for the entire week. Everyone will be progressing together, all at different speeds—just be prepared to have the most fun week of your life.

Related: Summer camp is calling; sign up for Woodward Copper ski camp now

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