
4bi9 World Premiere

4bi9 World Premiere

August 4th; The Scene, Boston, MA, It’s 88 degrees, the skies are fair, the seas calm. Summer has hit the city, the tourist’s marvel at the sights, the history, and the locals. 6 pm, the New England Aquarium closes shop for the day, the hoards of Tourists empty into the streets of Boston to enjoy some of the best Restaurants Boston has to offer.

There was no chance of snow, there was no mountain, but skier’s from all over the northeast flocked to Central Wharf that night, the scene transitioned from fanny packs, and tourists, to tall tees, and thugs… Yes, indeed the skiers had invaded Boston. Tonight they came not for Skiing, but to Look It Up, yes tonight was the time to for 4bi9 to unveil their first full-length movie.

We stood anxious out side the IMAX theatre in anticipation, to enter the theatre and see what the guy’s had to offer. The inside of the theatre was littered with Posters, Stickers and Swag Galore… Inside where the familiar faces seen so much here, Steve Stepp, Tom Wallsich, Jeff “Polar Bear” Kiesel, Rich Fahey, Andrew Holson, Brady Perron, AJ Dakoulas, Andrew Napier, & the rest of 4bi9 crew, ready to show Boston what they had to offer.

10pm the show begins, the theatre packs in and awaits their chance in the raffle, the 4bi9 crew worked the audience and handed out loads of gear graciously provided by the sponsors, Jackets, Tall Beanies, Sweatshirts, and anything else you ever wanted, tons of kids went home happy, and we’re even more stoked on the entire event.

Then, the lights dim, the music starts and a burst of applause begins, it’s the moment everyone has been waiting for since they started Looking it Up this fall, the feature began. A solid intro, followed by an impressive opener featuring Rich Fahey, the movie went on, with many ooohs and ahhhs, everyone’s eyes glued to the massive screen. Technical editing and skiing we’re the highlights, impressively filmed intros and some solid segments by the crew followed, the movie then shifted gears to highlight some late season skiing on the east coast, then to some recently filmed Mt Hood footage, then finally the screen goes black, the music starts again to reveal the closing segment featuring none other then Tom Wallisch, and an impressive showing it was. The movie was great, people we’re stoked on skiing, and everyone left with a smile on their face and toting some free swag, it was a great time.

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