Sunny skies presided over most of the day, with snow flurries interrupting the sunshine today at Hunter Mountain. Today the practice and qualifier sessions went down here in upstate NY. Although New England isn’t always known for it’s big air and manicured parks, but Hunter has managed to break that mold with their small, yet marvelous park, featuring a sizable quarterpipe, a 40-ft table and a rail garden. Right at the base of the mountain, spectators could catch all the action on the QP this morning, as Lady Verse the DJ spun dope beats all day, stoking out competitors as they hiked. The sped for the jump was a bit too slow today with the snow flurries, so all the action was on the QP today and will be on the rails tonight for practice.
Hunter has managed to create a substantial event here in the east, seemingly growing every season. With a devoid of major competitions in the North East, Hunter and their 42 Degree Air Assault has come to be a mainstay, with over $25,00 in cash and prizes.
Check back later for full results in all three events!