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This nerve-racking headcam footage from “Numinous” is sure to raise your blood pressure

Ski movies these days tease us with headcam footage: Only in fleeting moments do we see the first-hand perspective of an athlete. Maybe it’s the top section; maybe it’s just one or two turns that consume the camera in snow; maybe it’s the mach speed runout.

Regardless of the clip, I’m left wanting more. I want to see the whole damn run from the skier’s perspective. Because there’s nothing better than living vicariously through Kye Petersen, Logan Pehota and Pep Fujas, Dane Tudor and others, who rip down enormous mountain faces with unnerving ease.

Hold your breath—you’re about to drop into an edit saturated with first person point of view clips from Dendrite Studio’s award-winning film, “Numinous.”

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