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“The Space Within” marks the first of four short films to be released by DPS Cinematic this fall

Featured Image: Oskar Enander

Marking the commencement of Volume IV of DPS Cinematic’s The Shadow Campaign, “The Space Within” brings to life the universal, otherworldly dream of skiing bottomless Japanese powder. “Exploring the tidepools of a deserted tropical beach, a young boy finds a mysterious treasure washed upon the rocks. ‘The Space Within’ whispers of another world, holding magic unlike anything he has seen before,” explains filmmaker Frank Pickell.

Shot on location in Kiroro and Naeba, Japan, the 5-minute clip features smooth, floaty turns and effortless airs from skiers Santiago Guzman, Olof Larsson, Piers Solomon, Stephan Drake and Rowan Pickell. The first of four short films to be released by DPS Cinematic this fall, “The Space Within” brings its audience along for a dreamlike journey into the Land of the Rising Sun.

Trip Photography by Oskar Enander:

In Naeba, Japan the snow falls in bucketloads.
Riders Olof Larsson, Piers Solomon and Santiago Guzman stroll through town in Kagura, Japan.
Stephan Drake makes the most of his situation.
There’s no escaping the elements for filmmaker Ben Sturgulewski.
Athletes Olof Larsson, Piers Solomon and Santiago Guzman enjoy a cold one after a day on the hill.

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