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Movie Monday: “Nothing” Trilogy – Level 1 Productions

Featured Image: Courtesy of Level 1 Productions

On Movie Monday, FREESKIER brings you free movies from the wide world of skiing. With a mix of old and new, this is where you can find your weekly dose of freeski history, adrenaline and cinema mastery all in one.

If you look up the greatest trilogies of all time, you’ll find the likes of Star Wars, The Godfather and Lord of the Rings. Those movies are iconic, yes, but we think it’s about damn time to toss the Nothing trilogy on that list too. This three-pack of short films from Level 1 began with “Nothing” four years ago this fall, and whether you’ve seen them all in their entirety or you’ve never heard of the series, you’ll enjoy them now just the same thanks to their timeless charm.

We follow Parker White and friends across three forms of snow riding; skiing, snowboarding and powder surfing. From Washington to Japan, director Freedle Coty paints a surrealist and mesmerizing view of the world as experienced by these athletes, artists and companions. Chances are you won’t find a better trilogy in all of skiing, and we’d bet the farm on that one. Plus, who could argue with a soundtrack that features Blaze Foley?

As content both within and beyond skiing continues to pivot towards shorter pieces, “Nothing” offers an example of this formula done beautifully. The fact that these projects aren’t very lengthy has little to do with trying to capture attention, and everything to do with conciseness. They perfectly capture the emotions quintessential to the snow sliding experience; excitement, nostalgia and serenity. Clearly, there’s everything right with “Nothing.”

The Original

The Sequel

The Conclusion

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