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Made in Voyage: A school bus, two skiers and snow-fueled journey

If there ever was a lesson in ingenuity and determination, this is it. “Made in Voyage” follows the adventures of the Honeyhouse Bus, a beautiful, yellow 1963 Chevy 350 Superior school bus, restored and piloted by Cody Cirillo and Kellyn Willson. The dedicated duo spent a year-plus putting in the hard work of outfitting this old cruiser to meet their needs, and were finally able to take this shinning star on the road last season. With every snow lover’s dream of endless winter in their minds, they hit the road in search of places that could satisfy their chin-deep powder cravings. Linking up with Ian Hamilton, Thomas Delfino and Micah Evangelista along the way, the crew, indeed, finds the snow and glorious terrain they were seeking.

While the lifestyle may seem glamorous, this documentary-style movie shows the ups and downs that come with life on the road, especially when it’s centered around a bus built in the 1960s. It’s an unpredictable game, to say the least, especially with the variety of conditions that traveling in winter can bring. However, Kellyn and Cody are knowledgeable and they took on each challenge with open arms. This lifestyle is no vacation, it’s a challenging expedition into how to survive without the consistency and security that comes with living in a house. But, clearly, when the work is put in, rewards are reaped.

In all, “Made in Voyage” is a storytelling masterpiece that gives off inspiration for living a life of passion. It’s hard work; it’s putting up with annoyances and tackling problems; but it’s a life fueled by a love for simply being alive and pursing what gives you joy in the world. While this is not a life that everyone can (or wants) to pursue, it is none the less doable in small or large amounts. Some may take the weekend to roam; others may travel for the year. However long the voyage lasts, it’s all meaningful. This flick is viewable proof!

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