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Icelantic Return to Nature: Spell of Alaska

This year, we’re partnering with our good friends at Icelantic Skis to bring you an exclusive video series that’ll leave your jaw on the floor. Return to Nature isn’t just about deep days on the hill; it’s about rediscovering the importance of immersing oneself new places, new people and new experiences.

“Spell of Alaska,” created by Aiden Ulrich and produced by Eric Sales, artistically captures the dichotomy of the extreme risks and rewards one may experience when trying to ski lines in remote areas of Alaska, on some of the world’s biggest and most dangerous, hard to access terrain. Featuring a poem by British-Canadian poet Robert W. Service, the film beautifully compares the skier’s insatiable quest to ski and film in formidable terrain to mining for gold in the mountains of Alaska.

Accompanied by striking footage of Icelantic athletes Whit Boucher, Owen Leeper and Scotty VerMerris, listed here in order of appearance, “Spell of Alaska” epitomizes the ever-present balance between risk and reward when pushing oneself in the wilderness. This short film reminds us to chase our dreams, but recognize and embrace the risks and consequences that come with extreme adventure. Regardless of what your passions are or what fuels you, take time to return to nature.

“Spell of Alaska” The second film of the Return to Nature series from Icelantic Skis.



PHOTO: Eric Sales
PHOTO: Eric Sales
SKIER: Whit Boucher | PHOTO: Aiden Ulrich
SKIER: Owen Leeper | PHOTO: Eric Sales
PHOTO: Eric Sales
SKIER: Scotty VerMerriss | PHOTO: Aiden Ulrich


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